• Well last time I did a Folksy Friday post it was about birds so I thought this time I’d do one about cats and had such a hard job deciding which ones to use as there are so many cat themed items on Folksy, it really is a treasure trove for cat lover gifts and… Read more

  • I’ve been crocheting some bags for the summer and these are my favourites. They have a definite 70’s feel to them and remind me of bags that my mum and my friends’ mums had when I was little. I’ve chosen a few different colourways to try to replicate the retro feel but keep them modern… Read more

  • You can tell when people are starting to think that Summer may be on its way because they style of jewellery that sells tends to change. Lots of people start buying nautical themed necklaces, or bright and colourful jewellery to match their mood. One such thing that always seems to sell well in that category… Read more

  • I thought I would do a little Folksy Friday post this week while there really is so much talent on there and so many things I would love to buy if I had the money, and the space to put them all in! I’ve chosen a Spring theme, partly because Spring is one of my… Read more

  • Change is inevitable, even being a goth is more complicated than it used to be. Are you a neon goth, a pastel goth, a trad goth, a cyber goth…the list goes on and on and every year it seems to get a little longer but rather than moaning about it I think it’s great that… Read more

  • I know a lot of people’s thoughts are turning to Summer (even with this rain?!) but I am hoping to do a gothic craft fair in a couple of months so I have been unleashing my darker side and making a few new pieces ready for that. Most of the new pieces will go into… Read more

  • It’s a sunny day here today in Merseyside so a spot of gardening may be in order but only once it cools down a bit as I am no sun lover. I do love seeing all the flower re-emerging though both planted and those gifted by the birds and cats paws and as we’re doing… Read more

  • It’s quite a warm day here today and so my thoughts turn to a couple of things. Firstly how many things can I wash and get dry on the line before the rain returns and, secondly, I need to get on and get some more Summery things made before it’s too late. The washing is… Read more

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